I'm studying this guitar for a couple of interesting, "anomalies". The most interesting to me is that the body is of the original Celebrity series which had the mortise and tenon neck joint, multi layer binding, and large F holes. But, this guitar does not have the pickup selector on the treble horn as it should and it has the control plate that came when Mosrite divided this line into Celebrity I, II, and III. It is a later serial number in the A series so my first thought is this guitar may be a transition piece. In other words, it may be the last of the A series. When I have a little time I will compare it to my database of serial numbers and photos to see if I can determine where it fits in.
Being an all natural finish is very unusual for this era so I suspected a refin at first. However, I see significant checking which is indicative of a lacquer finish consistent with this era. Curious.
The tuners are not the original Kluson tuners that should be on this guitar so somebody changed it out. It has the pickups for a Celebrity-III with the smooth cover. It does have the serial number on the tremolo which places it after March of 1966.
The font of the stamp used to imprint the serial number onto the fretboard looks a little strange to me. I would love to see a pencil rubbing of it.
I'll be back with more input.