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NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:07 pm
by khai123

Just got this a few days ago, I'm digging it mostly, it plays beautifully, god it feels so good, looks amazing and as far as I know this is the closest I'll ever get to the real deal. I have no idea what these are worth as I really couldn't find anything about them on the web hardly. I don't think this one's quite for me though, the pickups are actually too Mosrite-y for me, hard to explain, but I love the mellowness of Hallmarks, this one sounds dead on to Live in Japan, it's eerie, but I'm playing higher gain stuff, I wonder if I'll be able to keep this since I don't sit in clean territory very often. Would a trade of this for a Hallmark be fair? I did get an alligator case with this, and a Mosrite gig bag.

This post went a little awry at the end there.

Re: NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:05 am
by stl80
Nice guitar. What's the amp?

Re: NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:10 am
by khai123
I have a collection of Fender Bassmans that I run through a Marshall 4x12 (loaded with Celestion V30s) a Bassman 70 on top for cleaner tones, and a modded '68 Bassman that runs KT66s for distortion, it's basically a Plexi in the Bass channel. I also have a 1966 Bassman that sounds amazing, I run that through a 1x15 cabinet for studio bass sounds actually.

Re: NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:57 am
by stl80
Nice. I have 1968 black line, drip edge Bandmaster, Bassman, and Dual Showman.

Re: NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:26 pm
by ElTwang
Very cool! Congrats. What color is it? Can't really tell.

Re: NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:52 pm
by khai123
It's a natural Walnut stain, transparent color. Really shows off the grain of the wood underneath, which appears to be alder. This guitar plays fantastically, and it looks like I'll be buying a pickup from Mr. Bob Shade in order to keep this guitar in my stable!!! Really quite excited as I was only bummed because of the high frequency feedback of the bridge pickup, now this guitar really gets to shine its brightest! Also, great collection stl80, that's really a collection to be in awe of. My full collection includes a '78 MV Twin Reverb w/D120Fs, a 1978 Marshall JMP 50w, a 1987 JCM800 2-Channel, and a custom made 18 watt 1974X clone that I use for small gigs and studio stuff. Really love my set up, any gig, I'm ready for :lol:

Re: NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:39 pm
by stl80
You certainly are ready.

Re: NGD: Vintage Mosrite Avenger late 60's/early 70's

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:57 am
by Vance Directive
You might consider getting a more original neck plate. That square one hangs ver the edge of the body judging by the picture.