New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

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Re: New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

Postby dubtrub » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:04 pm

That sounds pretty weak for a true fuzz tone. It sounds more like a tube sceamer. Several of us have the Mosrite clone FUZZrite which is pretty accurate to the real deal.

:arrow: FUZZbrite

You can hear a big difference.
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Re: New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

Postby brutus » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:13 pm

Looks cool but i'm not feelin the fuzz

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Re: New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

Postby Dennisthe Menace » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:14 pm

:shock: .....uhmmmm....well....OK......I think if I was going to advertise a product
that is supposedly a clone, I would of had an original right next to it to sort of A/B
them back and forth.......either that or try to re-EQ that little Valve Amp, because
the Amp is not doing that little Joy Box any Justice whatsoever........ :roll:
make the Mos' of it, choose the 'rite stuff.
.........Owner of 9 Mosrites...
.....proud owner and documented:
1963 "the Ventures" Model s/n #0038

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Re: New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

Postby dubtrub » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:31 pm

Actually, Dennis, you're right. I think that over drive sound is coming more from that little 5 watt single ended tube amp. That sounds about like a tweed Champ amp turned up to around 7 on the volume. I can get a similar sound on my tweed amp at a higher volume without a pedal .
Danny Ellison

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Re: New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

Postby KRamone27 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:01 pm

How did your little Fuzz box project turn out Danny? Was it a pain to build or fairly simple?

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Re: New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

Postby zak » Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:37 pm

I don't know what you guys are talking about - the sounds in that video are totally consistent with a Fuzzrite. The guy does not explore the Fuzzrite's more extreme sounds, but what I hear on the video sounds like a Fuzzrite on lower settings being fed a fairly wimpy guitar signal. A Fuzzrite is REALLY sensitive to the input level it is being fed, so low output pickups have trouble triggering some of its hairier sounds. Compare a Fender plugged into a Fuzzrite with a Mosrite - it is a night & day difference. It is also very dependent on the amp it is plugged into, the crappy sounding amp in the demo video is not painting the full picture here. It does not "clean up" when you roll down the guitar volume, but rather produces a "broken transistor amp" kind of sound, similar to some of the sounds halfway (5:00 or so) through the video. If you have a Tube Screamer or Tweed Champ that produces that sound, you should probably get it repaired!

It also looks like it is plugged into at least three other pedals, which will adversely affect how it sounds. By the way, an overdriven amp will actually smooth out the fuzz sound and make it less buzzy and aggressive (think Hendrix vs Davie Allan). Not an issue here, since he seems to be demoing the pedal with a sterile solid-state tone, probably deteriorated additionally by the presence of those horrible Boss pedals and their utterly stinky tone-coloring bypass circuitry. He is probably not the best candidate to be demonstrating this effect...if these people know what they're doing, why do the words "DAVIE ALLAN" fail to appear even once in the text of that ebay ad?

The Ashbass Fuzzbrite sample linked in dubtrub's post above demonstrates the most extreme fuzz setting on the pedal (additionally, it is a CD recording of clean guitar being played into the pedal), a Fuzzrite is capable of a much wider range of sounds than what you hear in that demo. FWIW Nokie Edwards and Davie Allan did not achieve their sounds by cranking the fuzz control all the way up. That sound might be great when you're playing alone, and it may even work for recordings, but in a band situation it is a surefire way to disappear into the mix and be reduced to some background treble sizzle.

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Re: New Fuzzrite Clone from a maker in the UK.

Postby ElTwang » Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:20 pm

Cool thoughts, Zak. I'm a bit surprised though that the maker of this pedal, which claims to be a reissue, demonstrates it and make it sound that bad....that's weird, that is.

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