new Mosrite tube amp

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Re: new tube amp

Postby MosriteCustomShop » Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:55 pm

There's a stereo 1/4" jack on the back for a 2 button footwitch that will switch the reverb and trem. I always hated Fenders where you can't use the trem without the f/s connected, so I put a toggle switch on the back for the trem on/off when there's no f/s connceted. It's also handy to ground-out the trem when setting the bias.

I'm really sorry, no gut shots. Yet. Coming soon. I promise.

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Re: New Mosrite Custom Shop

Postby MosriteCustomShop » Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:51 pm

Hi All,
First, thanx for having me! I'm stoked about working with the Mosrite folks and all you Mosrite fans! I'll try to answer some of your questions.

It was Greg Lewis (aka: mosritetexas) who came to me with his idea of reproducing a new Mosrite tube amp. Greg and I know each other from the guitar show circuit, where he's seen my hand-built tube amps for several years and liked my work. We've been working closely on the look, features, and sound of the new Mosrite amp. He told me what he wanted, as a fan and expert on all things Mosrite, and I did my best to deliver that.

Why tubes?
Mainly because we (me and Greg) dig the sound of tube amps. Also, it's much simpler to build a one-off, hand-built amp with tube circuits and eyelet boards and point-to-point wiring.

Why solid state rectifier instead of a tube rec?
A couple reasons. 1) Greg wanted the amp to have a really fast attack, like the later/bigger blackface amps or a marshall. 2) simpler 3) more reliable and 4) Dumbles all have SS rectifier.

I haven't seen an original Dumble Mosrite, but I have built several ODS clones and poked around a real Dumble Overdrive Special from the 80's. There's also many D-type schems floating around the 'net. I used much of this for ideas/inspiration.

What circuit was I replicating?
I didn't really have a circuit to replicate. I didn't have any schems for the "original"/Dumble Mosrites. For this project I figured the features (volume, bass, treble, 'verb, trem speed and depth) and the sound we were after (big and clean with killer 'verb) would dictate the circuit. What might Dumble have done in the 60's? I started with a fender-style preamp w/D-type part values/voicing and a fender brownface-type trem. I figured we'd want a long-tail-type phase inverter/splitter for a tight sound and lots of drive. I wanted to try a different type of reverb circuit that returns to the splitter w/no negative feedback. That turned out to be a great idea. Lots of juicy reverb tone, fairly simple to wire, and doesn't suck tone/load the circuit. The amp tuned out with this big, open sound that was better than we'd hoped. Organic, sustainy and alive. Very much an extention of the guitar. I haven't tried it with pedals (like overdrive/distortion) yet, but it's not a hyper-clean amp like a TwinReverb, so it should be very pedal-friendly. This is truly a NEW Mosrite tube amp.

Price and availability?
Don't know. We're still talking about pricing. Look for it to be in the $1400-$2000 range. A lot depends on how the LA Guitar Show goes, feedback from players, etc. I am working on a #002 prototype for Greg. Past that, we don't know. I'm hoping after the show we can post some more info including gut shots and soundbites/video. After that we may accept orders for handbuilt units. If future units have as much handwork as the prototypes (did I mention I hand-drilled the chassis in my shop?) they will be very expensive. If we can get batches of chassis and cabinets made to our specs cost/assembly time will go down quite a bit and we might supply dealers. We should know more next week.


Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby stevelpj » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:35 pm

Yikes! Enough with the amp retoric. Has anyone heard this turd? I saw it at the LA Guitar show. It looks homemade.

Sounds like a full on Fender copy. While that in itself isn't horrible, ity definately isn't something new or special. Hammond tranny's. Somebody cheaped out. To use Dumble' name even in conversation with this amp is ludicris. Sorry but Moserite was never an amp company, and has gone on to proove that they aren't one now.

Sorry Semie. You were great. These jokers are going on to ruin your good name. Amatuers!

$2000. for another in a long line of Fender copies,,,I don't think so!

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Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby dubtrub » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:20 pm


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Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby Veenture » Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:59 am

stevelpj wrote:...//...Sounds like a full on Fender copy. While that in itself isn't horrible,...//... don't sound too enthusiastic about Fender either... :o

BTW what equipment do you have ...if you play?

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Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby jnslobaugh » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:40 am

stevelpj wrote:Yikes! Enough with the amp retoric. Has anyone heard this turd? I saw it at the LA Guitar show. It looks homemade.

Sounds like a full on Fender copy. / Somebody cheaped out. / To use Dumble' name even in conversation with this amp is ludicris. Sorry but Moserite was never an amp company, and has gone on to proove that they aren't one now.

Sorry Semie. You were great. These jokers are going on to ruin your good name. Amatuers!

$2000. for another in a long line of Fender copies,,,I don't think so!

Man, .. If only he could hear himself, I might actually believe his ear could tell what a fender copy sounds like.

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Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby rynaro » Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:25 pm

Sorry stevelpj but i think that was RUDE!

In saying that.. the amp market is flooded and does not need another fender copy... By the sounds of this amp it will have it's own personality.

Speaking of Fender copies has anyone checked out Tyms 40watt hand wired Mini-Amp Head? i played the prototype... it sounded amazing!!! and cheap for a hand wired amp $1800AUD i think he said
Tym Sweeping Wing Jr #Z0094 (murph trem & mastery bridge)/ Tym vibratone #A0080 (jag trem/pickups)>Heaps of pedals>Vox AC15HW

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Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby zarfnober » Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:29 pm

stevelpj wrote: Hammond tranny's. Somebody cheaped out. To use Dumble' name even in conversation with this amp is ludicris.

Perhaps you'd feel better about Dumble if you go to youtube and look him up. You want to hear ludicrous? Listen to Dumble himself playing with Allen Kaiser(I think), some of the most godawful crap I've ever heard. Not knocking Dumble here, but check it out and see for yourself.

Although guys like Dumble and Fischer are/were amazing designers, I believe that they bent over backwards to create a lot of their mystique with "quirky" behaviour. And, they did use some off the shelf parts that were available to anyone. Ultimately, it's the guy scratching the strings that makes an amp sound good.

And whats so bad about Hammond transformers? Please tell me. As for copying Fender, so what. Tell me who Fender copied circuits from. And Leo couldn't even play! Every amp maker copies somebody and makes changes.

Personally, I give a lot of credit to someone who is willing to try and make something for a VERY limited market. And the reason it looked homemade? Well, it was. Please list some of your amazing accomplishments, I'm sure we'll all be impressed. :D

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Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby dorkrockrecords » Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:37 pm

Henry Kaiser, fyi.

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Re: new Mosrite tube amp

Postby Veenture » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:22 am

zarfnober wrote:
stevelpj wrote: Hammond tranny's. Somebody cheaped out. To use Dumble' name even in conversation with this amp is ludicris.
...//...And whats so bad about Hammond transformers? Please tell me. ..//...Personally, I give a lot of credit to someone who is willing to try and make something for a VERY limited market. And the reason it looked homemade? Well, it was. Please list some of your amazing accomplishments, I'm sure we'll all be impressed. :D
That's telling it Rocco!

Moral of the story? do not provoke the kitty in your casual passing, only to wake up finding yourself that you're in the same cage with a tiger instead and discover that you didn't have any Big Cat training skills after all. That should quickly turn any man into a.....MOUSE :mrgreen:

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