Mosrite Bass owners

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Re: Mosrite Bass owners

Postby fuzzrite » Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:21 am

Pauly, I sold my Jazz Bass years ago...haven't had a Fender since. I do miss it from time to time, but not badly enough to go out and get another one. Oddly enough, it had one of the nicest sunburst finishes I've ever seen...and it was made in Japan(75 re-issue)! I've got an old yamaha that sounds pretty Jazz Bass-esque for that purpose.

Right now I've got four basses and all of them are shorter scale than a Fender. The shorter scale really doesn't really bother me since I'm so accustomed to 'em. It isn't intentional, I just gravitated towards the sound of certain basses and they happened to be shorter scale. Keep in mind that there were way more shorter scale basses being made back in the day. Pretty much all modern basses have gone the Fender route in adopting the 34 inch scale, or even longer. ''Industry standard'' I guess. Can't really blame them, after all, Fender did set the bar as far as the electric bass is concerned. That being said, there just seems to be some snickering among modern bass players when they see a short scale bass, but I think they can sound just as great and sometimes feel way more comfortable!

Besides, people have picked up my Mosrites and it never occured to them that they were short scale.


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