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hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:13 am
by rubbertankboy
I hope this is the right introductory page? hello i am from london uk originally, but as we all know the world is in a terrible state at the moment so i have moved to the country in sweden which feels like an untainted part of the earth, nothing but trees and mountains where i live, heaven! life is pretty good apart from one major problem. its a long and emotional story, but i am not boo hooing in anyway i just want to explain why my 1968 mosrite no logo ventures model means so much to me. when i was 14 years old (i am now 37) my father who died of cancer 4 years ago at age 49 bought me my mosrite, it was the only guitar i have ever wanted and dreamed of, it came in an original case too! i have been in bands for so many years so the guitar took a beating, so much so that it desperately needs a restoration. i was an apprentice for a professional luthier in denmark street london (Philippe Dubreuille) so i know a thing or two. so i have started the restoration process myself. the guitar was originally sunburst and matching sunburst headstock, (im sorry i dont have pics, its in england right now under my dads old bed waiting) so ill get to the point, i have stripped the neck and body right back down to wood. and by the way i want the guitar to be pearl white with just a clear lacquered neck. the only thing stopping me from completing this guitar is the silkscreen logo!!!! help meeeee!!! im even willing for someone to restore the neck completely for me, is that you ed? sorry for long message. thank you so much for having me, and im looking forward to meeting you all. yours gratefully, wayne thomas cole. p.s and im not trying to promote my music in anyway or videos e.t.c but i think i hope this video i made will give you a chuckle? and in this video you can see my beloved mosrite!

Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:53 am
by FrankJames
Welcome to the forum !!

Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:33 am
by panther
The videos are very Beatles, John Lennonish.


Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:05 am
by rubbertankboy
thanks for having me! and i realise i have given you my whole life story haha but i almost feel religous about mosrite guitars! particularly my mosrite. yes i am influenced by 60s psychedelia i.e beatles pink floyd left banke a lot of underground psychedelia, and also the comedy of the time, monty python spike milligan e.t.c how and where do i get a silkscreen put on my mosrite headstock!? thank you so much.

Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:31 am
by StevieSTL
-- Welcome! I'm jealous of your Swedish retreat, sounds nice! The world is bonkers right now, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better! Iv'e got a buddy who did the same, to a remote island off of the coast of British Columbia. It's still wild up there.
Just my two cents, but I would have left it original, gave it a refret if totally necessary for playability, and got another white Mosrite, or got a sparkly Hallmark to play. I guess it's really a preference, but an original finish Mosrite is just better, and likely more valuable, even if it's something you won't sell in your lifetime, value will probably be greater for whomever inherits the instrument. That is something I don't think most people consider. Our guitars are likely going to have another proud owner or two in their life time. It's kind of morbid I suppose but I wonder sometimes, who will own my guitar(s) next. Ha! Anyways, my condolences for the loss of your father, that's cool that you still have the guitar. I wish I still had the first electric guitar my dad got me, I traded it before he passed, he will have been gone 20 years this August. I am happy to say that I do still have the inexpensive dreadnought he got me as my very first, but I do not play it much. I am and likely will always be addicted to electric guitars. Real Guitars, ;)

To each their own, Bob Shade can probably help you find anything you need, he is here on the board, good luck with your project!

Welcome to the forum! -Stevie

Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:02 am
by panther
I also am a product of 60's music. I was 13 when The Beatles first made the scene.
You Mention the Left Bank, In my Mind, "Walk Away Renee", Is one of the Best songs ever written or recorded. Michael Brown was 16 when he wrote it. Recently passed away at age 65. Steve Martin Caro, has had many bad encounters with a troubled life, and currently lives secluded in Florida.


Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:37 am
by rubbertankboy
dan! walk away renee is sooo good, forgive me for being forward but i bloody love you!! i like the song storm, its epic!

Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:55 am
by rubbertankboy
stevie thank you very much! i have indeed been in touch with bob shade, im not sure if he understands exactly how much needs to be done or how far this guitar is gone! i understand keeping it original would have been ideal but i had no choice really. its in a really bad way and even in its original state it was quite unique for instance, it had no pole pieces in the pickups??? it said 2nd at the end of the fretboard instead of a serial number??? there is no doubt its an original, my theory is that is was one of the last guitars semie moseley built from 68-69 it has to be, maybe even from parts he had lying around, it had blems in the paint work, i think it had issues in its original state. i played this guitar to death! the bridge broke the string guide broke the wammy bar broke the tounge at the heal of the neck is shredded, in this case a restore was the only option! im sure it had multiple owners too. these are all issues i can fix, i have collected original parts so im ready to restore it, its just the silkscreen i cant do. and forgive my writing i have dyslexia, its a pain in the butt!

Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:30 am
by rubbertankboy
as for hallmark guitars, yes they are bloody beautiful, i hope to get a gospel with silver hardware, black pickups and tort pickguard, basically a standad 60 custom but i just love the gospel logo with the cross! its hard to find the money these days thats all thats stopping me.

Re: hello fellow mosrite lovers!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:16 pm
by Sarah93003