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Deke, Are you in any.....

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:34 am
by Dennisthe Menace
way related to the Dickerson Brothers of the 30s? Another words, related to such as Great Uncle, Grandfather, etc?
I know this is not only OFF TOPIC, but it just might be totally OFF THE WALL :shock: . But I came across an article about
the Dickerson Brothers of the 30s-40s who made Lapsteel Guitars with Matching Amplifiers from that era. They made
these instruments and attached whatever name brand that was to be used for the Companies that were going to sell them.
i.e. Pearl finish instrument with pearl covered amp, red instr, red amp,etc. They were in Business for about 10-12 years
before they sold their Business. It then became Magna-Electronics (Magnatone). Anyhow, it was a very interesting story
and I was just wandering if you know anything about them ;)DtM.

Re: Deke, Are you in any.....

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:58 pm
by Deke Dickerson
Hey Dennis--

Good question, but sadly, no relation. I've been tempted to buy one of those hawaiian lap steel and amp combos with "Dickerson" silkscreened on the grillcloth for years, just because, you know, but they always seem to sell for more than I'd like to pay.

The Dickerson Brothers were fairly historic electric guitar innovators, however. I've got a 1930's guitar patent around here somewhere for a pickup design they had. And of course, Dickerson became Magnatone, which like Mosrite is one of the great West Coast guitar/amp companies....
